Saturday, March 11, 2006

Name Suggestion

Dear reader(s) of my blog-

While I realize that my readership tends to be sporatic on here (which is fine, esp since lately my posting have been a bit lame, although that is about to change), the time has come for me to create and develop a different blog for my church website which will be mostly religious and churchy in nature (and devoid of anything too controversial). I want to have something for the church folk to respond to, esp as my topics will be both sermon related as well as spiritually prodful (is that a word?). I will still keep this site and will not link it to the church website (at their request, mind you since they've seen some of my less than interesting posts on here).

So, I am going to have two blogs. And this is where I need your help. What on earth do I call the blog? I would like something funny sounding and yet not too funny that is sounds too goofy. For instance, I could play on my nickname "Bo" and have something like "Bo's Bodacious Blog" with as the url (if its available). What do you think about that? Do you have any (serious) recommendations?

I'll post the winning name on here. (I'll do so even if no one really cares that I do so). ;)

1 comment:

Paul said...

How about "The Fourth 'B'"

You know....Barth, Brunner, Bultman....and Bocock. Or would I be one of the few who gets it?