Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A New Perspective on an Old Problem

Here is an interesting column about the effects of heterosexual pornography. What used to be thought that porn would turn men into savage beasts as well as demeaning all women in the process, the author here says that in the age of the internet where porn is everywhere, today porn turns men off of living, breathing women who don't measure up. To quote the author, "Today, real naked women are just bad porn."

What strikes me with this column, as opposed to the old argument that porn objectifies women is that it makes sense that this thinking would actually cross into all sexual orientations. Porn eventually turns the porn watcher off of real relationships. And that is its greatest threat.

1 comment:

Bo said...

I've read the same thing too, Joe. It makes me wonder if the time we spend alone can really have a greater detriment than spending it with others.

And, I am not just talking about sex. I think we may have been created to be in relationship with others--and that when we spend more time being alone than with others, we open ourselves up to many challenges.

Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts.