Thursday, May 13, 2004

One of my Life Tricks-

A friend once asked me, "Bo, how come you're always so danged annoyingly cheerful?" I responded, "Because I have a good internal filter that keeps bad news and energy away from me." Perhaps my attitude has a dose of fatalism (or Calvinism, depending on how you look at it) or maybe escapism (not wanting to know so I won't have to deal with it), either way, I tend to be blissfully ignorant (at times) of really bad things.

Well- I am wondering if this is such a good idea after all. I was talking with another friend about a month ago and we were discussing my refusal to watch horror movies. I told him that I didn't like being scared and I do not like scary dreams (which happens when I watch scary movies). He said that I have other issues that need to be explored. I told him he's spending too much time in therapy and to stop analyzing me. He said that he may be in therapy a lot but that analyzing me was too much fun to quit. I had no idea what to say.

So, this morning- I have been thinking its time I get more involved in things I have no control over, to stress out more, and to "think this world is going to hell in a handbasket." It's time I quit avoiding conspiracy theories and blaming our country for all the world's evils, such as pollution and foreign disdain (okay, so I have always done this a little).

Want to know what I did? I subscribed to Let my maturity and eye-opening begin! Whether I'll long for the day in which I "should've taken the blue pill" is irrelevant at this point.

1 comment:

Paul said...

Oh, yeah. That ought to do it. ;)