Monday, August 15, 2005

You know it's time to defrost your icebox when...

there is so much ice that your ice cube trays won't even fit.

I have one of those tiny compartments in a refrigerator that will only hold 2 ice cube trays, some meat, 1 bag of white seedless grapes, and a small pouch-like thingy that you can put in a bag to keep it cold. And that's it. Well, that's it if no ice has formed inside the compartment. I had so much ice that I couldn't put anything in the compartment.

As a result, I decided to defrost my ice compartment on Saturday. Turning off my icebox, I began putting boiling water, first in a cup, and then in a cassarole dish as the ice began to melt. It took all day but I got it done. Today I went shopping for the aforementioned grapes; they taste great frozen!

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