Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Prophet Is Gone

William Sloan Coffin died yesterday at his home in Vermont. Coffin, the former senior minister at The Riverside Church in New York City, was an outspoken man for peace as well as an advocate for the homeless and impoverished. He wrote several books, was arrested many times for civil disobedience, and his words of wisdom inspired generations.

He likened his pastoral office to that of both priest and prophet. Summarizing his roles, he said, "Every minister is given two roles, the priestly and the prophetic. The prophetic role is the disturber of the peace, to bring the minister himself, the congregation, and entire moral order some judgment." Living up to this challenge is the task for any and all ministers- fortunately for many of us, we have a great example in Coffin of how to do that with dignity and humility.

A memorial is being planned at The Riverside Church although a date and time has not been determined.

To read one obituary, point your browser here to the New York Times.

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