Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Hectic Holy Week

Sorry for the absence of posts this week- with Holy Week here, I've been swamped. The last thing I've wanted to do after coming home from work was to get online and put up a post. Heck, I've been coming home and going right to sleep.

On Thursday, my church along with the Evangelical Church of the Advent, observed Maundy Thursday by offering both communion and a Lavation service. There were 5 ministers involved and I preached the service. This service was the first one that I designed by myself to include all the other ministers as well as preaching the service. During the service we offered communion and instead of having a footwashing service, we adapted a handwashing service. Inviting the entire congregation to come forward (like we do with the communion), I held a large ceramic bowl for the participants to dip their hands in and the other ministers dried the hands while offering a personal blessing/commissioning to each person.

Last night both congregations observed Good Friday by reading the Passion narrative and including a Tenebrae service. Today there are meditations (I am going to the 4:30pm service) and then later, we'll have the Holy Saturday Service. And tomorrow is Easter. Yayy!

In the midst of all this, I upgraded the church's website to have greater online space, extra email accounts, and greater bandwith transfer. Everything is done and now we're going to be able to put videos, audio sermons, and other such "big space" items on the site.

It's been a busy week and next week I'll see if I can play hooky a few days to recouperate. I do need to get the church newsletter out though- so I can't be gone too long. :) I'll write more on here later. I want to include a piece about the sermon I preached on Sunday.

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