Saturday, March 26, 2005

New Email Program

You've read that I have switched my default web browser to Mozilla's Firefox. Well, I also switched last week to Mozilla's Thunderbird. It is a great email client that offers more flexibility as compared to Outlook Express. I still use Outlook at work along with Microsoft Office where I need the combined programs of Microsoft Office.

At home, however, Thunderbird works great! And, this is really cool- you can block java script from automatically loading when you accidently open an email that might contain a trojan virus. This is the reason I got it- I was getting trojans through my email on a weekly basis (I have a bajillion emails a week, it seems). Thunderbird disables java and to enable it, you have to turn it on for each email! Go here if you're curious about the program- it'll explain what it does a lot better than I can.

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