Monday, June 12, 2006


I returned yesterday from a weekend denominational conference at the Univ of Delaware. It was my first such meeting as a new clergy person in the Central Atlantic Conference of the UCC. The weekend was chock full of meetings, gatherings, and a whole heck of a lot of food.

At the conference, there were several organizations who had set up shop there. Some of them were co-sponsoring the event. Others were selling stuff. And there were still others that were set up to promote a UCC endeavor. One such endeavor was the reminder that racism continues to be alive and well around us. Do help highlight that discussion, there were t-shirts with the words, Eracism on them. I had never heard of this particular campaign before.

Upon returning home, I googled the term and found a host of blogs, websites, and discussion forums. I love the name and the title and it will surely be a conversation starter for whoever wants to talk about racism and its effects in America (and the rest of the world).

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