Monday, June 12, 2006

Over-reacting yet again...

I receive a weekly email from The Advocate, a slick and shiny LGBT magazine pretaining to news and information for the LGBT crowd. In the email, there was a story about May's issue involving the upcoming release of the new Superman movie.

Here is a blurb from the email article:

Ironically, the Advocate story did not suggest that the superhero is gay but instead described how the secret lives of superheroes resonate with LGBT youth who must conceal important things about themselves. Nevertheless, as the story traveled the Internet and made its way to cable talk TV, it was steadily embroidered and exaggerated until it became something else entirely. By this past week, news outlets were stating that gays are demanding that Superman be gay. One conservative pundit even took Warner Bros. to task for courting the gay audience by suggesting that Superman is gay—something that to our knowledge never happened.

You can read the whole story here (although I just copied most of it in this post.)

Next we'll have the Rev. Jerry Falwell calling for a boycott of the movie because of the 'homosexual agenda's' aim to indoctrinate American kids into the gay lifestyle by reimagining a cultural icon. Fred Phelps will organize a demonstration at his local comic book store and the President will reference it in his next attempt to pass yet another antigay Constitutional Amendment. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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